Course Name: 200hours Multi-Style Yoga TTC
Training Language: English
Duration: 28 Days
Booking Fees: 1000 INR / 50 USD
Total Fees (USD): 650USD (Double Occupancy) / 850USD (Single Occupancy)
Total Fees (INR): Please Contact Us (Avail Special Discount!!!)
Reviews: 2657

200 Hours Multi-Style Yoga TTC


Our 28 Days 200hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training Course, certified by Yoga Alliance, USA is one of the best ways to enrich your asana practice and deep understanding of Traditional Hatha, Ashtanga & Kundalini Yoga along with Vinyasa Flow, Restorative, Yin & Acro Yoga. This course is designed for basic to intermediate yoga practitioners. Upon completion of this training, you will get a chance to teach yoga worldwide.

Om Yoga International offers a comprehensive and professional 200hours yoga teacher training course designed for all levels of practitioners from freshers hoping to upgrade their physical and mental endurance through Yoga to experienced yogis hoping to begin a compensating profession as a yoga educator. This yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh focuses on deep understanding of all yoga concepts and science behind them with proper approach.

Our 200hours yoga teacher training program will give you a strong foundation of authentic yoga philosophy, the ancient knowledge shared by our rishis thousands of years before along with breathing techniques and different meditations. It is one of the best training course for developing understanding of yoga and to lay the strong foundation to be a certified yoga instructor.

Course Syllabus For
200hours Multi-Style Yoga Teacher Training Course

Mantras is a set of words in Sanskrit language which consists of specific sounds and vibrations which resonates with the sound of universal energy. Vedic Chanting develops your mental strength and eases stress. Mantra Chanting helps in purifying your body and mind and alleviation of your consciousness.

In the 200 hours yoga teacher training course, you will get to learn many different mantras which takes you to the inner journey. Some of them are:

  1. AUM Chanting
  2. Gayatri Mantra
  3. Shanti Mantra, and Many More…..

The mantras do not have connection to any religion, they have spiritual connection – connection to divine energy.

At Om Yoga International we teach authentic style of  Hatha Yoga (Sanskrit: “Discipline of Force”) by putting stress on mastery of the body to attain spiritual perfection, a spiritual practice which helps mind to withdraw it from external objects. This is an ancient Yogic practice helping to increase the strength and flexibility of the body and prepare it for Ashtanga Vinyasa flow.

The main objective of this session is to attain physical, mental and spiritual health by practicing its main significant components:

  1. The austere practice of Asanas,
  2. Shatkarmas (Six Cleansing Actions),
  3. Pranayama (Different Breathing Techniques),
  4. Bandhas and Mudras (Yogic Locks & Hand Gestures), and
  5. Dhyana (Meditation).

Here is the list of asanas that will be practiced in this session:

  1. Meditative Asanas Series such as Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana and their variations.
  2. Relaxative Asanas Series such as Makrasana, Savasana and their variations..
  3. Cultural Asanas: You will get to learn different cultural asanas meant to reform your body throughout the course.

The asanas you will learn under Cultural category are:

  • Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskar A & B (Sun Salutation)
  • Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)
  • Pawan Mukt Asana Series 1 (Anti rheumatic)
  • Pawan Mukt Asana Series 2 (Digestive / Abdominal)
  • Pawan Must Asana Series 3 (Shakti Bandha)
  • Standing Asanas Series
  • Seated Asanas Series
  • Kneeling Asanas Series
  • Prone Asanas Series
  • Supine Asanas Series
  • Spinal Stretches Series such as Axial Extension, Lateral Bending, Forward Bending, Backward Bending and Twisting.
  • Pelvic Stretches / Hip Opening Series.
  • Balancing Asanas Series.
  • Inversions Series.
  • Restorative Yoga Asanas Series.
  • Yin Yoga Asanas Series.
  • Teaching Methodology & Lesson Planning Series

Along with the practical learning, you will also learn the theoretical concepts of Hatha Yoga in philosophy session. Understanding theory is as important as practical. Here is the list of topic you will get to learn:

  1. Philosophy of Hatha Yoga
  2. Difference between Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga
  3. Aim & Objective of Hatha Yoga
  4. Relation Between Hatha & Kundalini Yoga.
  5. Connection of Hatha Yoga to Nadis & Chakras.

Ashtanga vinyasa style is a modern style of Yoga introduced by K. Pattabhi Jois is an integral part of 200hours Yoga Teacher Training, many people know this style by the name Ashtanga Yoga Style. In this course, its 1st series, known as Primary series is covered:

  1. Importance of Ujjai Breathing during Ashtanga Yoga.
  2. How to apply Bandhas in Ashtanga.
  3. Drishtis – Focusing your attention while doing movements.
  4. Correct use of Props during the practice.
  5. Practice & Alignment of Sun Salutation A & B
  6. Practice & Alignment of Standing Asanas Series
  7. Practice & Alignment of Seated Asanas Series
  8. Practice & Alignment of Finishing Asanas Series
  9. Teaching Practices (Traditional & Mysore Style)

The names of asanas you will learn under this series are:

  1. Standing Series : Padangusthasana (Big Toes Posture), Padahastasana (Hand under foot Posture), Utthita Trikonasana (A + B) (Triangle Posture), Utthita Parsvkonasana (A + B) (Extended Side Angle Posture), Prasarita Padottanasana (A, B, C & D) (Intense Wide Leg Stretch), Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose), Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Hand to Big Toe Posture), Ardh Baddha Padmottanasana ( Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend), Utkatasana ( Chair Pose), Virabhadrasana (A + B) (Warrior Pose).
  2. Seated Asanas Series: Dandasana (Staff Pose), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Purvottanasana (Intense East Stretch), Ardh Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend), Trianga Much Ekpada Paschimottanasana, Janusirsasana (Head to Knee Pose), Marichyasana (Sage Marici Pose), Navasana (Boat Pose), Bhujapidaasana (Shoulder Pressure Pose), Kurmaasana (Tortoise Pose), Supta Kurmaasana (Sleeping Tortoise Pose), Garbha Pindaasana (Embryo Pose), Kukkutaasana (Rooster Pose), Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose), Upavistha Konasana (Seated Angle Pose), Supt Konasana (Lying Down Angle Pose), Supt Padangusthasana (Reclining Big toe Pose), Ubhaya Padangusthasana (Both Big toe pose), Urdhava Much Pachimottanasana  (Upward Facing full forward bend), Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose).
  3. Finishing Asanas Sequence: Urdhava Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose), Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose), Halaasana (Plough Pose), Karna Pidaasana (Ear Pressure Pose), Urdhava Padmasana (Upwards Lotus Pose), Pindasana (Embryo Pose), Matsyasana (Fish Pose), Uttanapadasana (Extended Leg Pose), Chakrasana (Wheel pose), Sirsasana (Headstand), Baddha Padmasana (Sealed Lotus Pose), Yog Mudra, Padmasana, Utpluthihh (Uprooting Pose), Savasana.

Along with practical learning, you will also learn its philosophical concept in the philosophy session:

  1. Ashtanga Vinyasa Philosophy.
  2. Difference between Traditional Ashtanga & Ashtanga Vinyasa.
  3. Aim & Objective of Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow.

  1. What is Alignment and why it is important?
  2. Importance of Alignment of Body while doing asanas, pranayama and meditation.
  3. Importance of Alignment of Body in daily life.
  4. What should be an ideal alignment of body.
  5. Know 9 major joints of the body movement patterns.
  6. How to decrease the risk of injuries in joints.
  7. Different Functional Movements of Body.
  8. Alignment of Sun Salutation.
  9. Know the alignment of different asanas: Standing , Seated, Kneeling Prone and Supine Asanas and their sub-categories such as Axial Extension, Forward and Backward bend, Twisting, Pelvic Stretches, Balancing and Inversions.
  10. Know the mistakes in different asanas alignments and how to correct them.
  11. Know the modifications and variations of different asanas.
  12. Know how to adjust the students safely with proper precautions.
  13. Know how to use the props for correct asana alignment

In Sanskrit, Shat means, ‘Six’ and Kriyas means, ‘Actions’. These are the Six Cleansing Actions mentioned in Hatha Yoga for physical and mental cleansing for spiritual upliftment.  And to create a balance between the three doshas, as per Ayurveda and create resilience in the body and mind for the higher practices of Asanas, Pranayama, Dharana and Dhyana. Our body produces toxins all the times due to various external and internal factors, which leads to stiffness and blockages of energy in different parts of body. These Shatkriyas help in detoxification, thereby, increasing the strength and flexibility of body. Prepares your body for asanas, pranayama and meditation by releasing the blockages and stiffness. In simple words, these Shatkriyas are the preparations for Yoga practices. 

In the anatomy session, you will also learn the anatomy of these Shatkriyas:

  1. Introduction to Shatkriyas.
  2. Benefits and Contraindications
  3. Things to be taken care of while doing them
  4. Anatomy of Jal Neti
  5. Anatomy of Kapalbhati
  6. Anatomy of Vamana Dhauti (Kunjal Kriya)
  7. Anatomy of Kapalbhati and Trataka
  8. Anatomy of Shankh Prakshalan
  9. Nadi Cleansing

Practices that you will learn in 200-hour Teacher Training Program: 

  • Jal Neti (Nasal Cleansing)
  • Rubber / Sutra Neti (Nasal & Throat Cleansing)
  • Trataka (Eye Cleansing)
  • Kapalbhati (Respiratory and Forehead Cleansing)
  • Shankh Prakshalan (Digestive System Cleansing)
  • Kunjal Kriya (Stomach & Respiratory System Cleansing)
  • Practice of Agnisar Kriya
  • Nadi Cleansing

It is very important to prepare the body and warm up your joints, ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues in order to avoid any kind of injury during asanas session.

To serve this purpose, special warm up and stretching session is conducted before every class, also some specialised sessions are conducted in the beginning of the course to open up the body and prepare for asanas. It proves to be very beneficial for the beginners. It covers:

  1. Stretching of different joints.
  2. Upper Body Stretching
  3. Lower Body Stretching
  4. Chest Opening
  5. Pelvis Stretching
  6. Core Strengthening
  7. Dynamic Stretching
  8. Passive Stretching

Pranayama, is one of the main components both in Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga, a practice for physical, mental and spiritual wellness. This session teaches you the secrets of Pranayama and how its regular practice can lead to awakening of Kundalini. 

You will learn its theory in the philosophy class. In its Practical part, you will get to learn:

  • Introduction to Pranayama
  • 6 Sitting Poses for Pranayama Practice.
  • Hand Position (Mudras) while sitting for Pranayama
  • Body Alignment while practising Pranayama
  • Chest, Belly and Yogic Breathing
  • Introduction to Ashtakumbhaka (Different types of Pranayama acc. to Hatha Yoga)
  • Theoretical knowledge and practical experience of different types of pranayama: Bhastrika, Anulom Viloma, Surya Bhedana, Chandra Bhedana, Ujjai, Sitali, Sitkari and Bhramari.
  • Theory and Practice of Bandhas (Moolbandha, Uddiyana, Jalandhar and Maha Bandha) and Internal & External Retention (Antar and Bahya Kumbhaka)
  • Sequencing of Pranayama
  • Preparation for Pranayama
  • Benefits and Contraindications for different Pranayama practices

The practice of Meditation starts from Concentration. In our 200hours yoga training program, you will get to learn different techniques to be able to develop high-level concentration. You will get to learn the theoretical and practical concepts of Meditation:

  1. Difference between Concentration & Meditation
  2. Sitting Positions for Meditation
  3. Body Alignment while Meditating
  4. What is Meditation
  5. Benefits of Meditation
  6. Effect of Meditation in our day to day life
  7. Preparation for Meditation
  8. Tips for developing Concentration
  9. Role of Music in Meditation

Different Meditation Practices:

  1. Yogic Breathing / Breathing Awareness Meditation
  2. Pranic Energization Technique
  3. Omkara Meditation
  4. Antar and Bahir Trataka
  5. Chakras Healing
  6. Kundalini Meditation
  7. Yog Nidra Level-1
  8. Dynamic Meditation
  9. Cyclic Meditation
  10. Antar Nada Meditation
  11. Ajapa Japa
  12. Silence Meditation
  13. Mantra Meditation

Yoga Philosophy, is Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge) session which teaches us ways to live our life happily. This session helps us to connect with our own self by understanding our body and mind. You will get to learn all the important philosophical concepts from our various scriptures and enhance your knowledge about yoga.

This session covers:

  • Introduction of Yoga (Defn, History, Types, Necessity, Principles of Yoga, Yogic Diet)
  • Introduction to Mind, Different States of Mind, Factors causing afflictions in mind
  • Concept of Karmas
  • Introdn to Ayurveda, TriDoshas
  • Introdn to Ashtanga Yoga and detailed description to its 8 limbs

(Yamas, Niyamas, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi)

  • Explanation of Nadis (Ida, Pingala & Sushumna)
  • Detailed Decsription to 7 Chakras
  • What is Kundalini Yoga & Hatha Yoga?
  • Panch Pranas
  • Introduction to Trigunas (Sattvic, Rajasic & Tamasic) and their role in our life.
  • Importance of Thinking in our life and how it affects our life.
  • How to implement Yoga in our day-to-day life 24*7.

And Much More.

This session covers:

  • Understanding the Anatomy of Body, different movements while doing asanas
  • Knowing about different joints and how to protect them while doing the asanas
  • Knowing about Physiology of breathing and pranayama
  • Learning Anatomy of different Cleansing Actions (jal Neti, Shankh Prakshalan, Kunjal Kriya, Kapalbhati)
  • Knowing about Digestive System and Food

This class will give you the necessary practice and experience to go out in the real world and beaome a successful teacher that adds value to his or her students. Important aspects covered are:

  • Defn of Yoga Teacher
  • Qualities required to become a good Yoga teacher
  • Knowing the ethics and importance of a Yoga teacher
  • Knwoing the seat of Yoga teacher / teaching as a service / why we teach/ create a sacred space
  • Ethical guidelines for student teacher relationship.
  • Learning how to plan a lesson and how to organize a lesson.
  • Focusing on Time Management
  • Learning Basic Principles of Sequencing the class
  • Command on the Instructions while taking a class

Students will be evaluated based upon:

  • Their dedication, punctuality, and commitment for the course
  • Attendance and Performance in every class.
  • Behavior during the class.
  • Asana Practical test (of around 25-30mins)

  • Nature Walk
  • Nature yoga
  • Beach Yoga
  • Sunrise Yoga
  • Sound Healing Session
  • Mantra Yoga
  • Video Sessions on Meditation

Daily Schedule

05:30am – 06:00am Wake Up Time
06:00am – 06:30am Cleansing Action (Jal Neti & Sut Neti)
06:30am – 08:00am Hatha Yoga Asanas / Iyengar Yoga / Restorative Yoga
08:00am – 08:45am Pranayama & Meditation Session
09:00am – 09:30am Breakfast
10:30am – 11:30am Yoga Philosophy
11:30am – 12:30pm Yoga Anatomy & Physiology

01:00pm – 01:30pm Lunch
04:00pm – 05:00pm Alignment & Adjustment Session
05:00 - 06:30pm Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow - Primary Series
06:30pm – 07:30pm Relaxation Time
07:45 - 08:15pm Dinner
09:00pm – 10:00pm Personal Time
10:00pm Lights Off
  • Kindly note this schedule is for Monday to Friday. 
  • On Saturdays, Morning & Evening Sessions will be conducted. These sessions will cover Cleansing (Shatkriyas), Yin Yoga, Nature Yoga / Walk, Acro Yoga, Sound Healing Session, Video Session, Special Meditation Sessions.
  • Sunday Full Day Off.

Academic Record for 200hours YTTC

  • Hatha, Iyengar, Restorative, Yin & Acro Yoga : 45 hours
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow : 35 hours
  • Alignment & Adjustment: 22 hours
  • Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras & Meditation : 27 hours
  • Yoga Philosophy : 17 hours
  • Anatomy & Physiology: 17 hours
  • Shatkriyas: 5 hours
  • Teaching Methodology / Lesson Planning/ Teaching Practice: 7 hours
  • Extra-Activity (Sound Healing, Video Session, Beach Yoga, Nature Walk etc…) : 7 hours
  • Self – Practice: 18 hours


  • Course Fee
  • Yoga Alliance, USA Internationally Recognised Certificate & Statement of Academic Record Certificate
  • Course Manual
  • Cleansing Action Kit
  • Notebook & Pen
  • 27 nights Private / Shared Non-AC Accommodation (depending on your booking).
  • 3 times Nutritious Vegetarian Meals, Herbal Tea & RO Water.
  • Wi-Fi Access, Speed 80-100Mbps
  • 24*7 CCTV Surveillance
  • Hot Water Kettle, Bed sheet in room
  • Life-time support (In future in case you have any doubts, management will always support you)
  • 24*7 support during your stay at the ashram
  • Ganga Aarti & Ganga Beach Yoga


  • Pick Up & Drop from Airport (Can be arranged additionally upon request).
  • Weekend Excursions
  • Air Fare
  • Ayurveda Body Spa & Panchkarma.
  • Extra Meals if any required.
  • Doctor on call.
For 200 Hours Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training Course
01st January to 28th January


200 Hours Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Residential
Total Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 650USD
  • (Private Room) 850USD
01st Feb to 28th Feb


200 Hours Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Residential
Total Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 650USD
  • (Private Room) 850USD
01st March to 28th March


200 Hours Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Residential
Total Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 650USD
  • (Private Room) 850USD
01st April to 28th April


200 Hours Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Residential
Total Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 650USD
  • (Private Room) 850USD
01st May to 28th May


200 Hours Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Residential
Total Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 650USD
  • (Private Room) 850USD

Registration & Payment Procedure For
200 Hours Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training Course, Rishikesh

To enroll yourself for 200 hours YTTC in Rishikesh, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Click on Apply Now. Registration Form will pop up. You need to fill out the registration form and SUBMIT.
  • Upon Submission, it will ask you for the payment. Click on Pay Now.
  • You can confirm your booking with 1000INR/50USD. (Kindly Note if you are paying in USD, select RazorPay for USD). For INR, you can pay directly through RazorPay for INR or UPI as well.
  • Upon successful completion of payment, you will receive a confirmation mail mentioning the course confirmation along with course details, check-in & check-out details etc.. in few hours.
    Kindly Note if you have any confusion, you can call/whatsapp at +91 7060004959.


  • Complete remaining fee will be payable on arrival before course starts.


  • The Advance Booking Fee is non – refundable. However, in case of any emergency, you can adjust it for future date in a span of 1 year.


  • Once the yoga training course starts and in case you have to leave early due to any emergency, fees will be non- refundable. However, you can come and complete the course anytime in a span of 1 year. You can also complete it through our Online facility.
  • If you need to leave 1 week / 2-3 days before the course ends, you can apply for the course. However, you will still have to complete the course and its related formalities . You can also complete the course through our online facility. For this you should contact the management.


During your 200 hours YTTC Rishikesh, your stay will be inside the ashram premises, which is in the most beautiful and central area of Tapovan, Rishikesh surrounded by the beautiful view of mountains and a pleasant view of the river Ganga ji. Here, you will get an opportunity to experience one of the most affordable yoga retreats located at Laxman Chowk, 1mins walk from Laxman Jhula & Ganges where one can enjoy the divine view of the river Ganges and the soothing sound of water coming from river Ganges along with refreshing air from the rooftop of ashram and the chirping sound of birds in the morning.
From the rooftop of the yoga building, you get to have a splendid view of nature, that makes this place an ideal spot to practice yoga. The Yoga ashram is surrounded by cafes, organic grocery shops, local wares, shops and almost everything you’ll need to make your stay comfortable.

We have 30 rooms, 2 yoga halls plus 2 large rooftops for practicing yoga in the fresh air. All rooms are double bedded with attached big size washrooms/toilets. You can choose private or shared accommodation according to your requirement. We provide bedsheets, pillows, blankets, kettle in the rooms. Our Cleaning Staff always do their best to keep the rooms as well as corridors cleans as well as hygienic.


India is well known for its variety of food and rich taste of spices. Ayurveda teaches us how to balance our body with the help of food. We have specially designed our food menu as per the requirements of yogic practices. We strongly believe in the principle of, “You are what you eat”. Our kitchen team prepared the sattvic food with love and care.
You will be served with the 3 vegetarian meals a day – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Food is completely sattvic, and menu is designed with the physically demanding side of your yogic practice in the mind


Please book your flight to arrive at Indira Gandhi International Airport. From there, book a domestic flight for Jolly Grant Airport, Dehradun (nearest airport to Rishikesh). From here to ashram, distance is 23km, takes approximate 30-35mins. From airport, cab will pick you up. It costs 1000INR. (You can ask us to arrange cab for you/ you can book by yourself, also you can get cab from airport taxi booth itself)
Address of Ashram:
Om Yoga International, Kailashanand Mission Trust, Laxman Chowk, Near laxman Jhula, Tapovan, Rishikesh (Uttarakhand), India.


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