Course Name: 200hours Online Multistyle Yoga TTC
Training Language: English
Duration: 60 Days (Get Early Bird Discount)
Booking Fees: 1000 INR / 50 USD
Total Fees (USD): Online 253 USD
Total Fees (INR): Online 20,000 INR
Reviews: 1255

200 Hours Online Multistyle Yoga TTC

Our 60 Days 200 hours Online Multi-style Yoga Teachers’ training certification (YTTC) course accredited by Yoga Alliance, USA will enrich your asana practice and deep understanding of Traditional Hatha and Kundalini Yoga, along with Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar Yoga, Restorative Yoga & Yin Yoga. Upon completion of this 28days 200hours comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training (YTT), you will be certified with Yoga Alliance, USA certificate that offers you a chance to teach yoga worldwide.

This course will give you a strong foundation of authentic yoga philosophy and upgrade your physical and mental endurance prosperity through various Yogic Kriyas to more experienced yogis hoping to begin a compensating profession as a yoga educator.You will understand the theory and science behind various yoga poses and also will learn how to instruct, correct, modify and structure a comprehensive yoga class. This course provides you all necessary skills to start teaching Yoga professionally.

Through our 60 days program, you get a chance to attend the entire course live through Zoom sessions during the course or can work through the curriculum at your convenience (self-paced) as the recordings for all live sessions will be provided. You will be provided detailed videos, readings, workbooks, handouts, and lectures.


     Course Syllabus For

200 Hours Online Multistyle Yoga Teacher Training Course

Vedic chanting develops your mental strength and eases stress. Mantra chanting increases self-awareness and enhances your self-compassion and positive outlook. Some simple mantras are syllables or vowel sounds, such as “om” or “aum.” This short sound packs much power because this syllable is the original sound of the universe.

Another common meditation mantra is the Sanskrit “So Hum,” or “I am.” Other types of mantras associated with specific goals include:

  • Deity mantras
  • Healing mantras
  • Chakra mantras

To feel calmer or relieve a low mood, for example, you might choose something like: “I am calm.”
“My life is full of joy.”

Even the words “calm,” “joy,” or “kindness” can serve as effective mantras if you want to keep it short. During the course, you chant different Vedic mantras daily to connect with divinity.

At Om Yoga International, we train in Hatha Yoga (Sanskrit: “Discipline of Force”) by putting stress on mastery of the body to attain spiritual perfection, where the mind withdraws from external objects. Hatha Yoga is an authentic Yogic practice helping to increase the strength and flexibility of the body and prepare it for Ashtanga Vinyasa flow. Therefore, we emphasise the main significant components of Hatha Yoga:

  1. The austere practice of asana,
  2. Shatkarmas (Six Cleansing Actions),
  3. Pranayama (Breathing Techniques),
  4. Bandhas & Mudras (Yogic Locks & Hand Gestures),
  5. Dhyana (Meditation)

In Asanas session, we emphasise on different types of asanas such as:

  • Hatha Sun Salutation A & B
  • Meditative asanas such as Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana, Sukhasana
  • Relaxative asanas such as Makrasana, Savasana
  • Cultural asanas: All other asanas meant to reform the body come under the category of Cultural asanas.

Cultural Asanas are further subdivided into 4-categories along with their sub-categories:

  1. Standing Asanas
  2. Seated Asanas
  3. Prone Asanas
  4. Supine Asanas
  5. Spinal Stretches such as Axial Extension, Lateral Bending, Forward & Backward Bend, Twisting.
  6. Pelvic Stretches / Hip Openers
  7. Balancing Asanas
  8. Inversions (Upside Down)
  9. Restorative Asanas
  10. Teaching Methodology & Lesson Planning

At Om Yoga, our main objective is to achieve the sublime state of samadhi.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, a modern style, famous in the West, K. Pattabhi Jois introduced and developed all steps of the principle of traditional Hatha Yoga during the twentieth century. Vinyasa Yoga is energetic, synchronising breath with movements.

At Om Yoga International, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a part of 200 hours Online Yoga Alliance Teacher training course at Rishikesh. In this course, we teach the entire Primary series and provide hands-on practice, Alignment, Adjustment, Drishti & Breathing. Furthermore, we cover the following parts as training;

  • Sun Salutation A & B
  • Standing Sequence
  • Seated Sequence
  • Finishing Sequence
  • Use of Props
  • The practice of Complete Primary Series

In this, we cover the following topics;

  • Alignment of different postures in Surya Namaskar,
  • Standing,
  • Seated,
  • Lateral,
  • Twisting,
  • Inversions,
  • Balancing Asanas of Vinyasa Flow & Hatha Yoga.
  • How to perform Postures,
  • The correct way of moving into and coming out of every pose.
  • Mistakes & Precautions made in every asana.
  • Hands-on Adjustment
  • Modifications
  • Variations
  • Use of different props
  • Alignment of others

The Shat Kriyas or Shatkarma Kriyas have six cleansing techniques as per Hatha Yoga to strike a balance between the three doshas and create resilience in the mind and body for the practice of Dhayan and Dharna.

In Sanskrit, Shat means ‘six’, and Kriya refers to ‘activities”. There are six mandatory activities on the path of Yogic life. The six yogic cleansing practices are:

  • Neti – Nasal Cleansing
  • Kapalbathi – Sinus Cleansing
  • Nauli – Abdominal Massaging
  • Dhauti – Internal Cleansing
  • Basti – Yogic enema
  • Trataka – Concentrated Gazing

Each Kriyas have specific targets to remove toxins like gas, acid, sweat, stool and urine from the body part.

Besides cleaning the body, these yogic cleansing exercises also remove mental impurities. As a result, mind-body cleaning has long-term health benefits.

In 200 hours of YTTC, we provide training to do the kriyas every weekend under the supervision of senior faculty members.

  • At Om Yoga, we conduct warm-up and stretching sessions before every class. After that, we take up specialised asanas with individual attention. Every class begins with Yogic breathing and “OM” chanting either its theory or practical course. As a result of these initiatives, bring calm and peace to the mind by doing asanas, Pranayama and meditation. Every teacher discusses anatomical aspects and their impact on the body and mind.
  • It proves to be very beneficial for the beginners.

Theory part of Pranayama will be covered in Philosophy part. In Practical, You will be taught

  • Meditative Pose and Mudras required while sitting for Pranayama
  • Practise of Bandhas and Kumbhaka (Internal retention)
  • Regular Practise of different pranayamas everyday:
  • Kapalbhati, Nadi Shodhan
  • Bhastrika, Surya Bhedana, Ujjai
  • Chandra Bhedana, Sitali, Sitkari
  • Anulom Viloma, Bhramri, Yogic Breathing
  • Clavicular, Chest, Diaphragmatic Breathing.

This session covers Difference between Concentration and Meditation. Different ways of meditation will be taught:

  • Omkara Meditation (Pranava Sadhana)
  • Trataka
  • Breathing Awareness Meditation
  • Yog Nidra
  • Cyclic Meditation
  • Silence Meditation
  • Chakras Meditation
  • Chakras healing
  • Visualization Techniques

And Many More.

This session covers:

  • Introduction of Yoga (Defn, History, Types, Necessity, Principles of Yoga, Yogic Diet)
  • Introduction to Mind, Different States of Mind, Factors causing afflictions in mind
  • Concept of Karmas
  • Introdn to Ayurveda, TriDoshas
  • Introdn to Ashtanga Yoga and detailed description to its 8 limbs

(Yamas, Niyamas, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi)

  • Explanation of Nadis (Ida, Pingala & Sushumna)
  • Detailed Decsription to 7 Chakras
  • What is Kundalini Yoga & Hatha Yoga?
  • Panch Pranas
  • Introduction to Trigunas (Sattvic, Rajasic & Tamasic) and their role in our life.
  • Importance of Thinking in our life and how it affects our life.
  • How to implement Yoga in our day-to-day life 24*7.

And Much More.

This session covers:

  • Understanding the Anatomy of Body, different movements while doing asanas
  • Knowing about different joints and how to protect them while doing the asanas
  • Knowing about Physiology of breathing and pranayama
  • Learning Anatomy of different Cleansing Actions (jal Neti, Shankh Prakshalan, Kunjal Kriya, Kapalbhati)
  • Knowing about Digestive System and Food.

This class will give you the necessary practice and experience to go out in the real world and beaome a successful teacher that adds value to his or her students. Important aspects covered are:

  • Defn of Yoga Teacher
  • Qualities required to become a good Yoga teacher
  • Knowing the ethics and importance of a Yoga teacher
  • Knwoing the seat of Yoga teacher / teaching as a service / why we teach/ create a sacred space
  • Ethical guidelines for student teacher relationship.
  • Learning how to plan a lesson and how to organize a lesson.
  • Focusing on Time Management
  • Learning Basic Principles of Sequencing the class
  • Command on the Instructions while taking a class

NOTE: Understanding how we can create a sequence for beginners & intermediate practitioners is emphasised in this session.

Students will be evaluated based upon:

  • Their dedication, punctuality, and commitment for the course
  • Attendance and Performance in every class.
  • Behavior during the class.
  • Asana Practical test (of around 25-30mins)

  • Video Sessions on Meditation

Daily Schedule

03:00 - 04:00 pm Yoga Philosophy / Yoga Anatomy & Physiology
04:30 - 06:00 pm Practical Session




  • Kindly note that all classes of 200 hours online YTTC Rishikesh and Ashtanga vinyasa yoga training course will be live through Zoom, also access to all classes will be available through recordings , in case you are unable to attend live classes, can access them through recordings. Recordings will be provided every day in between 9-10pm.
  • 200 hours online YTTC Rishikesh Course Manual will be shared on your mail valid for lifetime.
  • E-Certificate of 200 hours online yoga teacher training Rishikesh, will be shared (there will be no difference in soft & hard copy of certificate) , in future if you ever visit Rishikesh or any of your friends, family visit, can collect the hard copy from center by prior information.
  • For certificate, 25mins of practical test is mandatory, in case you are unable to appear to live in Ashtanga vinyasa yoga training course for the test, can share the recording of your test class, then certificate will be issued to you.
  • TOTAL CONTACT HOURS (live in presence of Teacher): 120
  • TOTAL NON_CONTACT HOURS (your self-practice/study time from recordings provided): 80 (you can choose this time based upon your availability).


  • Course Fee
  • Yoga Alliance, USA Internationally Recognized Certificate
  • Course Manual
  • Recording provided for all live sessions of 200 hours online yoga teacher training Rishikesh.
  • Lifetime support (In future, in case you have any doubts, you are always welcome, our teachers will always support you)
200 Hours Online Multistyle Yoga TTC
01st August - 30th September


200 Hours Online Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Online
Course Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 253 USD
  • (Private Room) 20,000 INR
01st September - 30th October


200 Hours Online Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Online
Course Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 253 USD
  • (Private Room) 20,000 INR
01st October - 30th November


200 Hours Online Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Online
Course Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 253 USD
  • (Private Room) 20,000 INR
01st November - 30th December


200 Hours Online Multistyle Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Online
Course Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 253 USD
  • (Private Room) 20,000 INR

Registration & Payment Procedure For
200 Hours Online Ashtanga, Vinyasa & Hatha Yoga TTC

To enroll yourself for 200 hours Online YTTC Rishikesh, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Click on Apply Now. Registration Form will pop up. You need to fill out the registration form and SUBMIT.
  • Upon Submission, it will ask you for the payment. Click on Pay Now.
  • You can pay the booking fee 1000INR/50USD. (Kindly Note if you are paying in USD, select RazorPay for USD). For INR, you can pay directly through RazorPay for INR or UPI as well.
  • Upon successful completion of payment, you will receive a confirmation mail mentioning the course confirmation along with course details, check-in & check-out details etc.. in few hours.
    Kindly Note, if you have any confusion, you can call/whatsapp at +91 7060004959.



  • Complete remaining fee will be payable 1 day prior to course starting date.


  • The Advance Booking Fee is refundable till 1 week prior to course starting date. After that, it will be non-refundable, however, you can adjust it for future date in a span of 1 year.
  • Once the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga training course starts, and a student wants to cancel the course, fees will be non- refundable. In case of any Health emergency, the pending course can be completed in future span of 1 year.