Course Name: 85Hours Online Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga TTC
Training Language: English
Duration: 30 Days (Get Early Bird Discount)
Booking Fees: 1000 INR / 50 USD
Total Fees (USD): Online 253 USD
Total Fees (INR): Online 20000 INR
Reviews: 798

85 Hours Online Prenatal Postnatal Yoga TTC

Pregnancy is perhaps the most divine and exciting phase of a woman’s life. This beautiful journey of nurturing life in body for 9 months brings in many changes at both physical and psychological levels.

At some point during Pregnancy, the emotions become way too high to control due to hormonal changes, which can lead to undesirable effects on the mother and the baby. Doing Yoga during these 9 months as well as preparing yourself prior to conceiving, provides a peaceful distraction from these pulsating emotions and ensures your child’s proper safety. For this you can join our 100 hours online prenatal postnatal YTTC Rishikesh to improve your mental and physical strength.

Our Vedic scriptures consider Pregnancy as a spiritual journey, and  Pregnant Lady equal to divine for these 9 months. “Creation is a part of divine and no one can create anew life except God but lady has been bestowed with this power of creating a new life withinher. ” In our 15days course, we try to reflect over these traditional beliefs written in Garbhopanishads about Pregnancy and helping ladies realize their Shakti within.

So we welcome you to the beautiful course of  Prenatal Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training Course designed by our experienced trainers with the support of Ayurvedic doctors and Gynaecologists. We teach important aspects of yoga before, during as well as after pregnancy. Apart from this, we help our members understand how to provide good mental and physical health to the mother and her baby before and after the Pregnancy. Along with guiding them toward a healthy pregnancy, we at, Om Yoga International, also focus on many common problems like Infertility, PCOD/PCOS and many other complications.

We at Om Yoga not only emphasize on Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation practises during this period but also many others such as:

  • Understanding the Body Anatomy during Pregnancy
  • Knowing how beautifully nature has designed lady’s body for pregnancy and to deliver the baby normally and what practises can be done just to augment these changes.
  • Learning about how physical and mental state of parents affect the baby.
  • How Breathwork, Meditation and chanting can act as an important tool to relax your mind and help you calm during the delivery.

Who can do this Course?

  • Both Male and Female Members having some experience in yoga.
  • For Expecting Mothers as well.

Course Syllabus For
85 Hours Online Prenatal Postnatal Yoga TTC

85 hours online Prenatal Postnatal YTTC Rishikesh has a duration of total 30 days (4 weeks).

Yoga is very much required to have a piece of complete knowledge of the birth process of a child. We at OM YOGA share the ancient techniques followed by our sages for upbringing their children right from the time they were not even in the mother’s womb. From the time they were prepared to have a child till the time the child was born and even later up as he grew. This is the main speciality followed at our centre to guide the pregnancy timing.

We make sure that you as Yoga teachers, upon completion of the Prenatal postnatal yoga teacher training course have full confidence over yourself so as to train your pre & postnatal with safety along with understanding their requirements and making them physically and mentally prepared for the responsibility of motherhood.

We also provide lifelong support to our graduates as in case in future once you start with your Prenatal postnatal yoga teacher training classes, and come across any doubt or case you have a problem dealing with, our teachers are always ready to help them out with.

Our students come from all walks of life. We’ve designed a comprehensive and challenging program to give you the best possible foundation to initiate your 100 hours online Prenatal Postnatal YTTC Rishikesh journey. At Om Yoga International, we’ll lead you through the yogic principles and asana techniques starting from Day 1; and give you the opportunity to practice these skills in a supportive and encouraging environment. We limit the number of students in each yoga certificate course Rishikesh training to ensure you receive one-on-one guidance. Our experienced trainers try to make it easy by giving real life examples of Prenatal students.

The list of topics covered in this course are:

  • This topic we talk about the Preconception phase,
  • various concerns for conception,
  • Pregnancy as a spiritual journey,
  • View of Pregnancy in our various ancient scriptures,
  • Pregnancy Yoga guidelines (basic foundation for Class).
  • Postnatal Care, PostPartum Depression

  • Why to study the anatomy of Pregnancy?
  • Here we understand the anatomy of a body before and after pregnancy,
  • Anatomically we learn how nature has designed the women’s body for child birth and how it changes during 9 months.
  • We study about the anatomical changes taking place throughout the life of a women along with hormonal changes happening.
  • Concept of 4 stages of Menstruation
  • Understand in brief about various organs of Female Reproductive System
  • Also we put light over various complications like PMS, PCOD, Infertility, Breech baby, Gestational hypertension, Gestational Diabetes, Placenta Previa, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Endometriosis, Thyroid Problems, IVF and may more.
  • Anatomical & Physiological changes taking place in baby during 01st, 02nd & 03rd
  • Normal Delivery & C-Section
  • Brief discussion about Other Delivery Methods
  • Postnatal Physiology
  • Importance of breastfeeding

Garbh Samskara , mentioned in Ayurveda is a crucial part of this course. In This we study about :

  • Preconception Phase (Bija Sanskara) : Definition, Importance of Bija Sanskara
  • Cause of Infertility acc. To Ayurveda
  • Composition of Garbha
  • Bija Sanskara (Ayurvedic Eugenics): Physical & Mental Preparation of Couple for Pregnancy, Physical & Mental Detoxification, Rasayana, Vajikarana
  • Importance of Fetal talk
  • Antenatal Care (Garbhkala Sanskara)
  • Diet to be followed by a women trimester wise
  • Mode of Life to be avoided
  • Regular medicines
  • Postnatal Care (Sutika Paricharya)

In this session, you will learn how individual body differs in pregnancy and how to design the classes for your Prenatal:

  • Sukshma Vyayma (Subtle Bodily Movements)
  • Breathing Movements
  • Surya Namaskar (for Beginners & Regular Yoga Practitioners)
  • Standing Asanas (for Beginners & Regular Yoga Practitioners)
  • Seated Asanas (for Beginners & Regular Yoga Practitioners)
  • Supine Series (for Beginners & Regular Yoga Practitioners)
  • Relaxative Asanas
  • Asanas for lower back pain
  • Asanas for strengthening lower back & pelvic floor
  • Asanas for better balance & strength
  • Asanas for some common complications like Breech baby etc..
  • Asanas for preparation for Normal Delivery
  • Learning how to modify normal practice of asanas during and after Pregnancy
  • Learning how to modify asanas for each trimester and acc. To an individual requirement.
  • Learning How to initiate the asanas practice for a beginner
  • Learning the use and importance of Props for Prenatal
  • Understanding the Benefits & Contraindications of every asana practice.
  • Asana Sequencing & Planning for Normal & Complicated Pregnancy
  • Postnatal Asana Practice
  • Prenatal & Postnatal Asana Demo Class.

Breathwork is a very important tool for the lady during 9months as well as during delivery. In the course, we learn various breathing techniques:

  • Physiology & Importance of Pranayama practices
  • Learning how to modify pranayama practice for each trimester and acc. To an individual requirement.
  • Modify Breathing Practices for beginners & Regular Yoga practitioners.
  • Modify Breathing Practises for Normal & Complicated Pregnancy
  • Learn how to Practice Abdominal, Chest, Clavicular & Yogic Breathing.
  • Practice of Nadi Shodhan, Anulom Viloma, Ujjai, SItali, Sitkari & Bhramri Pranayama.
  • Also Breathing practices to be practiced at different stages of Labour are taught.

Meditation helps to calm down the mind amidst the pulsating emotions. Some of the meditation practices taught during the course are:

  • Breath Awareness
  • Mantra Chanting / Om Chanting
  • Body Scan Meditation
  • Yog Nidra
  • Baby Connection Meditation
  • Visulaization / Mindfulness
  • Welcoming Baby Meditation
  • Chakras Meditation
  • Trataka (Candle Light)
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Loving Kindness Meditation
  • Birth Meditation

Mantra Chanting is another crucial part of this course. In this course, you will be taught how to chant the mantras , there are specialized sessions for Mantra Chanting. You will learn the importance of Mantra Chanting along with live examples how mantra chanting helps the pregnant lady during her pregnancy days , during delivery and after delivery.

Not All Cleansing actions can be done during the pregnancy, but in Pre conception time to clean and detoxify the body, these kriyas can be really useful. So during the course, we reserve one day for teaching all Kriyas (Jal & Sut Neti, Kunjal Kriya, Shankh Prakshalan, Trataka)

This class will give you the necessary practice and experience to go out in the real world and become a successful Prenatal teacher. Important aspects covered are:

  • Defn of Yoga Teacher
  • Qualities required to become a good Yoga teacher
  • Knowing the ethics and importance of a Yoga teacher
  • Knwoing the seat of Yoga teacher / teaching as a service / why we teach/ create a sacred space
  • Ethical guidelines for student teacher relationship.
  • Learning how to plan a lesson and how to organize a lesson.
  • Focusing on Time Management
  • Learning Basic Principles of Sequencing the class for different Trimesters.
  • Learning how to organize the class for Beginners & Regular Practitioners.
  • Learning also how to organize class for Prenatal & Postnatal together / separate.
  • Command on the Instructions while taking a class.

Students will be evaluated based upon:

  • Their dedication, punctuality, and commitment for the course
  • Attendance and Performance in every class.
  • Behavior during the class.
  • Case Study for Prenatal & Postnatal.
  • Asana Practical test (of around 25-30mins)

Daily Schedule

03:30 - 04:45 pm Practical Session (Asanas, Pranayama & Meditation)
05:00 - 06:00 pm Pregnancy Philosophy / Anatomy Session




  • Kindly note all classes will be live through Zoom, also access to all classes will be available through recordings , in case you are unable to attend live classes, can access them through recordings. Recordings will be provided every day in between 9-10pm.
  • Course Manual will be shared on your mail valid for lifetime.
  • E-Certificate will be shared(there will be no difference in soft & hard copy of certificate) , in future if you ever visit Rishikesh or any of your friends, family visit, can collect the hard copy from centre by prior information.
  • For certificate, 25mins of practical test is mandatory, in case you are unable to appear live for test, can share the recording of your test class , then certificate will be issued to you.


  • Course Fee
  • Yoga Alliance, USA Internationally Recognized Certificate
  • Course Manual
  • Recording provided for all live sessions valid for 3-4 months for self-practice at your home after the course ends
  • Life-time support (In future, in case you have any doubts, you are always welcome, our teachers will always support you)
  • 2 Bonus Lecture on Ayurveda from Ayurveda Doctor.
85 Hours Online Prenatal Postnatal Yoga TTC
01st September - 30th September


85 Hour Online Prenatal Postnatal Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Online
Course Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 253USD
  • (Private Room) 20,000 INR
05th November - 04th December


85 Hour Online Prenatal Postnatal Yoga TTC
  • Language: English
  • Format: Online
Course Fee
  • (2 Sharing Room) 253 USD
  • (Private Room) 20,000 INR

Registration & Payment Procedure For
85 Hour OnlinePrenatal Postnatal Yoga TTC

To enroll yourself for 85 hours online prenatal postnatal YTTC Rishikesh, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Click on Apply Now. Registration Form will pop up. You need to fill out the registration form and SUBMIT.
  • Upon Submission, it will ask you for the payment. Click on Pay Now.
  • You can pay the booking fee 1000INR/50USD. (Kindly Note if you are paying in USD, select RazorPay for USD). For INR, you can pay directly through RazorPay for INR or UPI as well.
  • Upon successful completion of payment, you will receive a confirmation mail mentioning the course confirmation along with course details, check-in & check-out details etc.. in few hours.
    Kindly Note, if you have any confusion, you can call/whatsapp  at +91 7060004959.



  • Complete remaining fee will be payable 1day prior to course starting date.


  • The Advance Booking Fee is non-refundable. However, you can adjust it for future date in a span of 1 year.
  • Once after the course starts, and a student wants to cancel the course, fees will be non- refundable. In case of any Health emergency, the pending course can be completed in future span of 1 year.